Num mundo à parte, um naturalista vive num apartamento no meio das suas árvores, e num microambiente de gravidade positiva.. Certo dia os quadros de Van Gogh que possui moveram-se. Nós estávamos lá e registámos o momento enquanto o homem tomava banho. Entre connosco neste "inception dream"...
In a world apart, a naturalist lives inside an apartment in the middle of his trees, and in a microenvironment of positive gravity.. One day the Van Gogh paintings that he has moved. We were there and recorded the moment while the man was taking a shower. Enter with us in this "inception dream"...
Imagens desenvolvidas para RebusFarm "Creative 3D challenge with Ander Alencar", premiadas com Menção Honrosa.
CGl Images
Location: Dream Land
3D Max | Corona | Photoshop
Location: Dream Land
3D Max | Corona | Photoshop